An experimental performance directed by Francesca Marti’ was staged on the occasion of ARCO Madrid 2017, included as part of the VIP program of activities. Together with the craftsmen at the JL Ponce Foundry in Madrid, which has been producing her bronze sculptures for many years, Marti’ created new interventions on three works from her «Satellite Dreamers» series. Jose Luis Ponce, Javier Ponce and workmen at the Foundry carefully poured molten aluminum over each of the three sculptural figures painted in blue, green and red, under the guidance of the artist. In this way, Marti’ introduced the elements of chance and the actions of performance into the formal nature of sculpture. The works chosen by the artist for this collaborative «performance» exemplify the close relationship between man and technology. Both literally and psychologically, they represent a fusion between existing sculptural forms and their emotional context. This further underlines the aspects of the subconscious and the sense of hope as embodied by Marti’s «Satellite Dreamers». The event which took place on Saturday February 25, in the presence of numerous international collectors, curators and art-world figures, is part of Francesca Marti’s ongoing research in the processes of collaborative creativity, where an industrial foundry can also be transformed into a lively studio.
Coincidiendo con la celebración de ARCO Madrid 2017, y dentro del programa VIP de actividades, ayer sábado tuvo lugar en la Fundición JL Ponce la performance experimental dirigida por Francesca Marti sobre tres de sus obras pertenecientes a la serie «Satellite Dreamers». Contando con la asistencia de numeroso público y coleccionistas internacionales, los operarios de dicha Fundición vertieron aluminio líquido sobre cada de las obras de Marti. Cabe destacar lo novedoso de la acción por conjugar la reacción del material incandescente sobre formas ta existentes. Las obras elegida por la artista para esta acción ejemplifican la estrecha relación entre el hombre y la tecnología, siendo el elemento líquido el que introduce los aspectos psicológicos, el inconsciente y esos sueños y esperanzas que encarnan sus «dreamers».