The September publication of the new book Francesca Marti – Passage and Presence has just been announced in the Fall 2023 catalogue of DCV publishers in Berlin. This book will track a journey across borders, highlighting works from Francesca Martí’s principal exhibitions. The artist discusses the changing pathways and behavior expressed by humans, and how people behave differently when alone or as part of a group. Martí’s collaborative process acknowledges how her many different performers, dancers and musicians help to articulate her vision, incorporating elements of fragmentation, the laws of attraction, plus the relationship between man and nature, between man and the city, and between what is handmade and what is manufactured by machine.

Passage and Presence looks at the diverse facets of Marti’s work from the last decade, with special attention paid to her work in video. The book is divided into 11 chapters: Cocoon, Droplet, Planet of Fusions, Green Sound Wave / Orange Sound Wave, The Wall, Migrant Angel, Ma’at, Dreamers and Believers, Copper, Green Swarm and Flux. Written by Mark Gisbourne, with contributions by Heike Fuhlbrügge, Alia Lin, Matthew Mitcham, Pilar Ribal, Marifé Santiago-Bolaños, Michael Stoeber, Gunnlaug Thorvaldsdottir and Jonathan Turner. Edited by Jonathan Turner. Design: Book Book, Berlin. Hardcover, 23 x 30 cm, 208 pages, 335 illustrations, English/Spanish
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